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Langa del Castillo

Langa del Castillo


Municipality located at the foot of a hill where the ruins of the castle-refuge of the s. XIV whose construction was due to the intervention of the minister of Pedro IV, Bernaldo de Cabrera. Although nowadays there is little standing, part of the keep, still watching from the top of the hill, the urban area that extends at its feet. Curious is the hillside, where the castle is surrounded by old wineries piercing the hillside itself.

We highlight the parish church consecrated to San Pedro Apóstol with a Mannerist doorway. Inside we can admire an exceptional Gothic altarpiece dedicated to the owner of the temple where the life, passion and death of Christ and the martyrdom of Saint Peter are represented. It is a 15th century work made by the anonymous artist, known as the "Master of Langa". Inside you can see altarpieces from the 17th and 18th centuries.

The hermitage of the Virgen del Tocón is in the middle of the fields at the foot of Sierra Modorra, that of Los Santos, near the Perejiles river.


In the May festivities, there is the tradition of priors and queens, 4 mayordomos and 4 mayordomas, who take out the Virgin of Our Lady of the Stump and without the Child in procession. And on May 29 the pilgrimage to the Hermitage of the same Virgin takes place.

For S. Santa the Virgin and the child come out in the procession of the encounter. Also during this festivity there is a tradition of making and later tasting the Culecas that carry inside a piece of sausage, rib and a hard-boiled egg.  


In January S. Antón is celebrated, and Santa Águeda in February.  


At the beginning of August the Festivities are celebrated in honor of Saints Abdon and Senen.

We cannot forget the "Quesos Diarte" goat cheeses made in their cheese factory in Barrio Alto.

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