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It is located at the foot of the Cerro de San Quílez, at the top of which stands a peirón dedicated to this saint.
Balconchán, formerly Valconchán, is very close to the depopulated Aldehuela.

The small and modest parish church is dedicated to the Virgen del Rosario and preserves an important Renaissance altarpiece, with wood carvings by Julián de la Guardia and paintings by Juan de Vera, both from the Daroca workshops. It also keeps a monstrance from the 15th century, with a stamp from the same city. The festivities usually start on the 9th or 10th of August until the 15th of August.

Under the invocation of the Virgin of Santa Bárbara there is also a hermitage located in a nearby hill with important mural paintings from the 14th century.

On the third Saturday in April, a tribute is made to the elders of the town, celebrating the feast of Santo Toribio.

Another important festival is that of San Pascual Bailón, the third Sunday in May. The day before, after the ringing of bells, they go in procession to the peirón dedicated to the saint where the neighbors dance around the Saint.

The third weekend of November the Autumn Festival is celebrated with a chestnut, they welcome winter with a popular garbanzada on the third weekend of December.

Well known and appreciated by the locals is the water from its source-spring, suitable for cooking legumes, etc.


In this town you can enjoy a spring source in which we will find mineral-medicinal water, and a wonderful landscape of almond trees in bloom.

Church of the Virgen del Rosario

Renaissance, it is a stone and rammed earth construction.
Inside we will find several interesting polychrome wooden altarpieces, of the so-called mixed altarpieces, in which sculpture and painting are combined, the one from 1585 dedicated to the Virgin of the Rosary has twelve small sculptures of saints and a large one of the Virgin of the Rosary , with several tables with Aragonese paintings from the 16th century. We also highlight a processional cross and a ciborium from the 15th century and its covered baptismal font.

Hermitage of the Virgin of Santa Barbara 

It contains an important sample of mural painting from the 14th century.


San Pascual

It is located on the road that leads to Daroca.
The image is placed in a chapel, protected with metallic cloth. On the cross of the pinnacle there is a small weather vane.

San Roque

It is found marking the way of Used and Santed. The picture
  de San Roque, is in its niche, protected from the elements by a wooden and glass window.

Santo Toribio

Located on the road that takes us to Orcajo.

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